2015 PRESENTATIONS     go to Dr. Brian LeSage>

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011| 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1992-1997






American Society for Dental Aesthetics

CAD/CAM Dentistry Involving 3-d Composite Mastery For Veneers To Full Mouth Reconstruction
Beverly Hills, CA

America Academy of Implant Dentistry

Esthetic Tooth Replacement – The Gingival Effect
Las Vegas, NV










Cerec 30th Celebration

Marginal Fit Verses Prep Design& 3D Mock-up For Veneers to Full Mouth Reconstruction
Las Vegas, NV

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

The Final Touch: Finishing and Polishing Techniques (Hands-on)
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

How the Team adds Value to Your Practice
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA













UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

Live patient demonstration of Veneer and Bonding cases
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

The initial patient exam – Interactive live session
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

Hands-on Participation in Laboratory Veneer Verses Crown Preparation and Temporaries
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

Crown Verses Veneer
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA















UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

Introduction & Dental Photography & Accreditation Protocol
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

Adhesive Dentistry Allows Expanded Options, Improved                                                                    Aesthetics, and Increased Comfort in today’s modern Dentistry
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

UCLA Aesthetic Continuum Level I

Anterior Aesthetic Restorations Color and Contour
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA

UCLA 23rd Esthetic Dentistry and Periodontics Meeting

Inlay/Onlay Preparations – live patient demonstration
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA


Bonding With Composite For Maximum Esthetics
Chicago, IL




Idaho State Dental Association Annual Session

Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Everyday Systems for All Ceramic Restorations
Sun Valley, ID






AACD Annual Session

Class V Accreditation Workshop
San Francisco,   CA

AACD Annual Session

Live patient
San Francisco, CA










Bisco Corporation, Japan

Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Everyday Systems for All Ceramic Restorations
Tokyo, Japan

gIDE Institute

3D Composite Mastery
Los Angeles,  CA

gIDE Institute

3D Composite Mastery hands on workshop
Los Angeles,  CA





Big Apple Dental Meeting








San Fernando Dental Society

Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Everyday Systems for All Ceramic Restorations
San Fernando, CA

UCLA Congress on Dental Esthetics

Los Angeles,  CA