Date: October 25 - 27, 2019
Fee: $4300
Learn the basic principles of occlusion and how they fit into all clinical practices.
By understanding the signs of occlusal pathology, from wear to mobility to TMD symptoms, each clinician will learn the value of occlusion to long-term dental health and success of their cosmetic cases. Emphasis will be placed on diagnosis, which will help guide the appropriate management of occlusal forces in your simple restorative cases to full mouth reconstruction.
This introductory occlusion course will cover the following:
- Simple routine test to include in all new patient exams to add value and lead to more predictable dentistry.
- Learn the basic terms and simple definitions to this terminology.
- Review the most common occlusal philosophies and their indications and limitations.
- What are the signs of occlusal pathology?
- When is it imperative to treat occlusal pathology?
- What is a simple test to tell when internal derangement exist and then what?
- How to reproduce the dentition on an articulator?
- How to do an esthetically adjusted face-bow transfer and why?
- Centric relation and joint position as a starting point. Several methods to taking a centric relationship bite and how to confirm its reproducibility.
- Why equilibrate and how to perform on models and the patient?
- Verbal skills to discuss occlusal pathology and get your patients to commit to long-term dental health.
Over this three day course, the learning objectives will be accomplished in lecture, hands-on and over the shoulder observation. Participants will practice taking centric relation records, confirm mounting of centric relation, equilibrate study models and fabricate an ERS appliance.