Presented by: Dr. Brian LeSage
Date: October 28,2017 9am-5:30pm (No live pt demo)
Fee: $1070
Course Description:
Develop your composite bonding skills, including layering to create polychromicity, incisal halo, and finishing and polishing.
Perfect for general practitioners, dental assistants, dental laboratory technicians, and specialists interested in learning more about esthetic restorative procedures.
The learning environment features lectures, hands-on workshops, and live patient demonstrations.
Emphasis is placed on direct composites in the esthetic zone such that every clinician can return to their offices and place seamless restorations at a higher skill level.
Anterior Direct Bonded Restorations:
• Discussion of best composite systems to use for anterior direct bonding
• Step-by-step explanation of how to restore Class III, IV and V using our adhesive dentistry techniques
• Preparation design to create an invisible restoration
• "Layering" techniques to build in polychromicity and translucencies using a PVS matrix
• Comprehensive evaluation of contour and color and their effects on final esthetics for anterior restorations