Date: TBD
Fee: $6490 (1 day - 6 sessions)
Dr. LeSage shares his years of clinical experiences in the field of esthetic dentistry with this intimate group of highly motivated participants. He earned his accreditation status in 1994 and was invited to be an Examiner in 1996. Dr. LeSage has served yearly as an examiner, and is presently one of the longest standing, active examiners. He has also served as the Fellowship Chair for the past 9 years.
Dr. LeSage is uniquely qualified to aid you in becoming the next Accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
On-going SIX day program occurring every 5-8 weeks. Open discussion and dialogue amongst the group concerning their own potential cases and facilitation by Dr. LeSage will occur.
Session One: Starts with a brief overview of the Accreditation Process and Credential. Emphasis will be on case selection, photography and formulating a plan for your successful journey to Accreditation. You will be asked to bring any cases that you have started, think might be a good case for accreditation and a case to qualify for Case Type I.
The following five sessions will each be dedicated to a Case Type as described in the Accreditation protocol. So, Session Two will cover Case Type I, Session Three will cover Case Type II, Session Four will cover Case Type III, etc.
At each Session, you will be expected to bring a potential case for that respected session and Case Type. Photographs, mounted models and any other diagnostic records will be evaluated. Feedback, tips and evaluations of the cases will be accomplished at each session. Additional information will be shared as appropriate for you to go back and finish this Case Type.
Additionally, ONE hour of phone consultation may occur between each session for further assistance through the process. Additional individual consultation can be purchased if so desired.
In-depth understanding of the AACD Accreditation Process and credential.
Work through the FIVE Case Types over five separate sessions to accomplish your mission.
Includes one-one hour phone consultation between sessions, not transferable
Can not guarantee successful passing of Accreditation
Lecture in am, followed by participants case presentations in the pm. First weekend is an overview of Accreditation and then each participant presents a Case Type I-6 Indirects before. Bring any other Case types as a back-up.